Posts Tagged neo-liberalism

Matt Dawson, BA 2006, MA 2007

Image of Matt Dawson BA 2006, MA 2007When I started my degree I had a vague notion of wanting to ‘be a sociologist’ without really knowing what that meant. Little did I know that I’d chosen exactly the right department for this, with Sociology at Essex giving everything anyone wanting a life in sociology could ask for (and, sometimes, even more!). I have fond memories of many of my lectures and seminars from my time at Essex and hope that I inspire the same love for sociology in my students as my tutors at Essex did in me.

I completed my PhD at Sussex in 2011 and am now a lecturer in Sociology at the University of Glasgow.  One of my major research interests is political sociology and a monograph based upon my PhD entitled ‘Late Modernity, Individualization and Socialism: An Associational Critique of Neoliberalism’ is due to be published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2013.  I also have interests in theory, having published articles on Zygmunt Bauman and Durkheim and I’m planning a second book on normative theory entitled ‘Sociological Alternatives’.  Finally, I have a continued interest in the sociology of intimacy, especially intimacy for those who identify as asexual and I am just about to begin a research project in this field with Susie Scott from Sussex.

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